Yeah I should have made a blog but chose the lazy way instead. Besides I didn't get the majority of my gifts back then so I would not blog about those anyway :PIts better then Bodakai 1 that's for sure :)
Aside from all these gifts I consider the fansubs releases a presents too. I already thanked those people xD
Yu-Gi-OhI promised myself that I would not open the packs in the Legendary collection but I did any way and it had some awesome cards hidden lol. Anyway I'll only show the rarer cards. First of is the big three aside from the god cards the Blue eyes, The Red Eyes and the Dark Magician! Nothing really special about those IMO The only one I don't have six cards of is the Red Eyes Black Dragon. Next up is a bunch of rare cards from the tin including Majestic Star Dragon. Next up is the a bunch of foil cards I took a photo of without good reason. And there you can see my biggest catch of the Legendary Collection MOTHAFR#GGING JINZO!! HELL YES!!! I'm pretty lucky considering its the secret rare of that particular booster set!! x3. Next are the God Cards again and a close up of my Jinzo :D. After that is the rare collection I got from the Legendary collection. Also I should note that the boosters had two cards I frequently use in decks of the video game versions of Yu-Gi-Oh which instantly became my favourite after opening the boosters! Which are the Dark Elf and one that I did not took a photo of Jirai Gumo which I know are actually bad for my deck but had real good benefits for me in those games lol Anyway instead of throwing away the booster Is carefully opened the boosters and filled them up again with the same cards and a few extra. They look like they've never been opened. :)
Pokémon Cards
Game Update
And Yeah I forgot to update..... sorry :PG1
I could use a K.O Pokémon Green but its hard to find :-\. I've also set my eyes on the macabre Pokémon Ghost Black. If I see the card I will instantly buy it! Otherwise its pretty complete. To bad Red died on me... RIP Mew T_T
Also complete even though Silver is dead too.... I refuse to switch those battery's! Dead is dead no zombie games for me thank you >_> Lucky me that I saved most of Gold's screen photo's on a blog :) Any way yes its complete!! :D
Well I still haven't found my damn card game and I'm considering buying a new one!! Anyway two new games here. Pokémon Jade and Pokémon Puzzle. I guess I would still want to search for the other version ( Pokémon Diamond) or wait a few months and ask a certain friend If I could buy it from him. Any way I'm enjoying these games. But I have yet to figure out how to save the damn Jade lol
A Horrible Dream About The Future
So I went to sleep and I had this weird dream. I was in my Grandparents backyard playing a Pokémon game on a console of sorts. But it was not on the 3DS. No this was on a rounded type of DS. It looked like the blue love child of the PSP and the DSi. Still It was kinda cool. Anyway back to the game, I felt like I had it for a few months and that Black & White was waaaaaaay in the past. Like I'm playing a 7nth generation game..... Let that sink in to you for a moment..... This new generation sucks and 2 generations later..... Yes now you know how I felt when I woke up! Anyway all I remember of the game itself was that I was in Kanto near the Power Plant catching a Pokémon and the Pokémon in question was according to memories of what I got in the dream the evolution of Lickilicky.... I'm also letting that sink in to you for a moment... Piece of unnecessary crap gets another evolution on top of it.... Feels horrible don't it? Well to my memory it looked even worse lol. It had this egg-like form and its whole lower body looked like it was its tongue. So in fact its was a mouth on legs lol. Damn that's horrible!!! Any way I do remember that it felt like I was hunting for Shiny's or something like that :) Lets just be happy that they hate each other lol
Editor's Note: Man time goes by fast o_0
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